Ending a life section
I’m writing this before I have to go one last time to work and end with this my EVS after 8 months of ups and downs!
But wait, wasn’t she going to stay one year in Belgium? – Yes, I was!
Let me explain it for you! Several reasons, from worrying about my health to missing home was everything represented and accompanied me every day and so I decided after a long time of thinking on the 22nd of February to quit. My contact persons and I selected then a date where I would go and it turned out to become the 15th of March. Now on the 14th I’m sitting here, starting my last day of work 8 months after I started my journey.
It’s incredible how much I take everything for normal here in Belgium now.
One year ago, I wouldn’t have believed I would go abroad!
In the beginning of my new life in Belgium, I wasn’t able to understand Dutch properly, I was confused by the new way of living and the public transport system, had nobody in Belgium and was kinda shy with meeting new people.
Now I adapted myself to the Belgian way of living, I can express myself in Dutch, the public transport system became normal for me and I’ve met so many people which I consider now as family!
I’m really thankful for the opportunity that I’ve got a year ago and even if I’m going now before the exact end, I am not regretting my decision at all. Also when you decide to quit, you’ll learn from it and sometimes it’s better to quit something, than staying in the situation and being not as happy as you deserve to be, so don’t hesitate and do what you think it’ll be the best!
You grow with every single decision you make!!
So what have I experienced in my 8 month here?
– learned how hard it can get sometimes to work with sick and/or disabled people, it made me understand the problems they have to deal with and showed me how it can effect your way of thinking about life
– 2 trainings, where I’ve met the most precious and amazing people all over Europe, who I consider today as a second family!
– tried the first time Couch Surfing, which turned out to become an amazing weekend!
– met 4 months ago my boyfriend ❥
– several journeys around Europe
– danced the whole night on tables in a bar in Brussels
and so much more what I can’t write down, because it would take a bit to write and read it!
Of course not everything was perfect while I was doing my EVS in Belgium, otherwise I wouldn’t have decided to quit, but over all I’ll remember it as a great opportunity that I’ve got to make.
The whole EVS hasn’t only changed the way I think about certain things in live, it made me change.
Change isn’t always bad and I’m thankful for the experiences I was able to make.
I’ll leave you now and say goodbye to the precious workers from the National Multiple Sclerosis Center Melsbroek and will end with that an unforgettable experience of my life.
As your Daddy I can tell you, that the last eight months were the best month of your life. Your personality has grown up more than in another section of your young life.
I love you and I am very proud of you.
Your Daddy
he Jessie I will miss you a lot, you where like a daughter to me and I hoe you will stay in contact with me. I regret that I will not see you before you leave, but whish you all the luck of the world
it was nice to meet you , you are a wonderful person wish you good luck in future and hope we wil meet again xxx