Month: July 2016

Brussel / Bruxelles / Brussels / Brüssel

So my first city trip had the destination Brussels. It was quit a spontaneous idea but it was really worth it and it won’t be the last time that I’ll be in Brussels, especially because it’s just 12km from where I live! I went to Brussels Central and when I got out of the train…

My first week

Soo.. That was my first week here in Belgium. I had really great days and even there were small turbulences, I got through it! In addition, life would be boring, if everything would go the way we want it! Friday: Firstly my colleague and I went to the cityhall to get the registration of mine done. After…

Arrival day

Where should I start? I just finished my arrival and I’m really tired, but too young and proud to sleep at 6PM. So here’s my new Blog-Entry about my first day and all impressions I’ve made. My alarm clock rang at 6.30AM and I got really exited about the tought that I would going to…

Letzte Vorbereitungen

Wie packe ich für ein Jahr? Wie unterscheiden sich deutsche und belgische Sitten? Wo ist meine restliche Zeit hin??? Ja, ich bin es, noch in Deutschland und noch auf Deutsch, obwohl ich gesagt habe “das nächste mal in Belgien, das nächste mal auf Englisch“. But here I am in Germany, writing in German again. Ich…

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